I had an ultrasound last monday.. (Sept.24). I requested my OB to have an U/S again to know my baby's gender. My baby seems so cooperative and my OB said she's a Girl... but not 100% sure (It's kinda disappointin!!!)... Well, I have been referred for a CAS (Congenital Anomaly Scan) by 1st or 2nd of October and confirmation of our baby's gender will be known. I hope! By the way, CAS is not just for gender confirmation but it is a thorough scan for all about baby's body... I'm pretty excited to buy his/her stuff. I know white is general but of course I wanted it to be has a little touch of pink or blue. I already have tie sides, pajamas, booties and mittens... from my 7 month old niece.
anything that happens to me in my everyday life... about me, my family and my passion for baking